Hellooo, I am writing your first ever message on your message board!
Firstly, a huge thankyou for being such a dedicated fan, your comments always cheers me up.
Secondly, thankyou for having trust in me and everything I do, you back me up in comments and almost always reply to my messages.
Thirdly, thankyou for entering the competition, I would tell you how much I liked your entry but I might ruin something.
Fourthly, thank you for trusting me so much with your life secrets and I really hope I make you feel happier when you're feeling down.
Finally, just a huge thankyou summing this whole message up. You truly are a lovely person and all haters don't know the true you.
I love you, and not because you're a fan, just because you're you.
Stay strong and beautiful <33
~ Chamrock Jack Xo