
Happy New Year Everyone! Hope you all enjoyed the holidays and have been safe during the pandemic. Just recently added a new chapter and have a few following so thank you for your patience and excitement. Hoping to finish this work soon and possibly tie it to a trilogy?? I haven't decided but look forward to any thoughts or comments. Much Love xoxo! 


Happy New Year Everyone! Hope you all enjoyed the holidays and have been safe during the pandemic. Just recently added a new chapter and have a few following so thank you for your patience and excitement. Hoping to finish this work soon and possibly tie it to a trilogy?? I haven't decided but look forward to any thoughts or comments. Much Love xoxo! 


Thanks for the continued reads everyone! Im 15 weeks pregnant and keep forgetting to post but you guys are still supporting lol...Sending love and new chapters coming soon! 


@MrsJaydaD thank you hun!!! ❤


Awwww congrats‼️