
Just so everyone is aware i am re writing growing up and moving on. I am revising it chapter by chapter so please be patient with me. Thank you for all the reads and the stars. i really appreciate all the love. But i have reread it and finally decided that it needed to be revised. then i will be finishing One dirty little secret. Then i will start working on the second book to growing up and moving on. thank you much love xx -Brenna ( the big sister)


Just so everyone is aware i am re writing growing up and moving on. I am revising it chapter by chapter so please be patient with me. Thank you for all the reads and the stars. i really appreciate all the love. But i have reread it and finally decided that it needed to be revised. then i will be finishing One dirty little secret. Then i will start working on the second book to growing up and moving on. thank you much love xx -Brenna ( the big sister)


There is not a sequel to GUAMO and there won't be for a little while. I plan to write it and complete it before posting it. In the mean time you can read my sisters books. She would greatly appreciate that. :) thank you and god bless 


Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that I've started a new book and wish y'all would read it. :) 


@RufusLewis Hi, there is not a sequel and there probably won't be one for a while. You could always try reading the other stories on this account. 
            My sister wrote them, Im trying to make it where she doesn't delete her books. They are pretty great.


@RufusLewis I agree, just wish it was edited, wish I could edit it. 


Hi :) I really love your story about teenage pregnancy. It gives me some lessons that I need to share to others so they maybe aware of the consequences that they may face if engage into fornication. And by the way,I hope
           you can start the sequel. I'm excited to read it ^^ thank you so much for the wonderful story that you wrote and Goqdbless<3


@firstkiss01 Hi, so there is in the plans for a sequel, but i've became very busy. In the meantime you could always try my sister's writing. She would really appreciate getting more readers. I'll let you know when i post the sequel. And thank you very much for the kinds words :)