
So I’m leaving this account and will follow all of you back UwU 


So I’m leaving this account and will follow all of you back UwU 


Coming back home tomorrow and will be more active I have to say this has been the worst vacation ever bc nothing in the place I’m staying at works properly. The damn shower in unlike anything I have ever seen in my entire life and I hate it I’m so happy I’m coming home. 


The most traumatic thing happened to me today. My mom was scrolling through FB and ask me if I knew someone with the (I’m not saying his name for certain reasons) I responded with yes and she proceeded to say, “He shot himself.” I didn’t know what to say, as of right now he’s breathing but tonight at nine they’re taking him off of the ventilator. I might not be off for a while bc of it I need some time or I might stay idk just letting you guys know ;-;