
Hey :D check ‘Save Me’ ! Just a lil update! I miss yall so much. Truly ♥️


Hello, it’s been a while XD XD lmao 
          I’m back I hope! I have many ideas for new stories and finishing the ones I still like ^^!
          I am also planning on RE writing the ‘One summer with BTS’ and ‘My boyfriend is in BTS’ because...they suck xD
          I would like to think I have improved. I know that if I re write them they would be better and it would be the old idea, just written well and formulated better.
          Thanks again for all the love. Xxx


I'm so excited for your new story (I usually don't read vkook stories) but it seems interesting :)) 


@MrsJungKookie1 ooh is it jikook or vmin?? Can't waitt


@-justabri aw thank you so much!! I think you'll enjoy it~! <3 it's not 100% VKOOK ;)))))))