My name is Beatriz, but everyone calls me Betty or Becks, i'm 18 years old and I love to write.
I have likes of all kinds but I could say, summarizing, that I love food and the Asiatic culture. Most of my likes and hobbies as well as the things that happens me everyday are present on my novels sometimes.
I'm very grateful for you who follow me and my stories. For real:¡ THANK YOU! *-*
You know that my social networks are open to you so you can discuss, ask or suggest whatever you want. ^^
Twitter: PinkuElephant
Gmail: pinkelephantruns@gmail.com
Facebook: facebook.com/bt6prmr
Instagram: beatrizdzv
Ask.fm: PinkuElephant
Wattpad for Hispanohablantes: wattpad.com/BettySixx
- México
- JoinedOctober 25, 2015
- website: www.wattpad.com/BettySixx
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