
I've posted more and I will be trying to keep writing. I have a new chapter I'm working on for one of my books and I just posted a chapter for another one. Hope you enjoy it. Thank you for your time


Hey! For anyone who cares, I lost my account a while ago and just figured out how to get back on it. So I’m hoping I’ll have time to start updating all my books again and maybe release the book I have in hiding. I think it might be my best work yet. Thanks for whoever might have read some of my books and may have liked them. Have a nice day


Thank you for all the votes! I hope you like what you see/read! ^.^


Thank you very much! I'm glad you like them! ^-^


Hey anybody that cares, I thought that I should ask the people that may read my books if I should publish a new work I've been working on now or when I've finished it all. I have almost four chapters and I already know how all my books are going to go, even the ones that I haven't shared. The only issue with publishing it is I'm not consistent with my chapter publishing and having motivation to write my ideas down into my new chapters, so what do you guys think?


Hai thanks for the follow! Sorry for the loooong response but anyways I really like your stories! FAIRY TAIL ROX, sorry I just had to do that, but can u check out mine too? Anyways, you'll definitely be mentioned in one of my books! =^.^=


@XxWhitefoxX Of course and thank you very much!


Hey, to anyone that cares, I rewrote Fairy Tale awhile ago and have almost SIX (Wow) chapters to it. Anyone that was reading it and had it on they're list it's not in your list anymore. Please check it out and give me your feed back, thank you.


So I rewrote Fairy Tale because it wasn't editing right. I will be updating the next chapter very very soon probably after I'm done with this, sorry if you like the book (which I highly doubt there was anybody that was reading it and wanted an update.) Thanks anyways though for all the followers I have.