
Want to be a gold member of 'The Original Crew?' All you have to do is prove to us how passionate and creative you're when writing a Bollywood based book! What if your grammer isn't amazing? Doesn't matter. What if it's cliché? Doesn't matter. What if it's a fan fiction? Doesn't matter! 
          	What advantages do you have if you become a gold member? You'll gain appreciation for your work. You'll hopefully gain more readers and followers through projects and shout out's so you and your work will be noticed. And you'll be able to socialise and interact with the senior members to help you in any way possible! 
          	Any questions? Just ask below 
          	~ The Crew


Smh. Your bio needs changing. 16?


@BollywoodLoveStories I'm going to block you *laughing crying emoji*


Lol. "As you guessed by my username" bahahaha