. Preferred name: Alex (my nickname irl)
. Height: 5'3 TvT
. Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
. Longest relationship: 7 years :P
. Crush: no one
. Hair color: Brown
.Pets: 2 cats
. Eye color: brown
. Fav song: N/A
. Fav animal: Fox
. One wish: for more wishes :3
. Relationship status: single TvT
. First kiss: in pre-k, i dont remeber it
. Pronouns: She/her
. Someone you love: my best friend rey and my best friend Sandra
. Someone you miss: My ex girlfriend TvT
. Nicknames: Alex, Lex, Ouma, lexi, lexa bexa, lexa bexa baby boo -_-, lex lex, shorty TvT
. Favorite band: N/A
. Pet peeves: so so many
.Fav color: red and black
. Special talents: none ._.
. Battery percentage:69% XD
. Fav thing about yourself: nothing
. Least fav thing about yourself: everything
. Sexuality: Bisexual