
Um... Hey. So, I figured I should finally give an update on what's been going the past couple of months with me. It hasn't been easy for me, and my mental health had taken a pretty bad beating. I'm doing better now though, and had sought out help for my issues, and have started going to therapy. So things are getting better little by little, but it's still a work in progress so I might close myself off again for a while if I need to. I'm also looking into doing work from home so I might not be super active between that and needing mental breaks. But for now, I want to try and get myself back to doing things I enjoy, and to catch up with my friends on here and elsewhere. I really missed it...


Um... Hey. So, I figured I should finally give an update on what's been going the past couple of months with me. It hasn't been easy for me, and my mental health had taken a pretty bad beating. I'm doing better now though, and had sought out help for my issues, and have started going to therapy. So things are getting better little by little, but it's still a work in progress so I might close myself off again for a while if I need to. I'm also looking into doing work from home so I might not be super active between that and needing mental breaks. But for now, I want to try and get myself back to doing things I enjoy, and to catch up with my friends on here and elsewhere. I really missed it...


To my roleplaying friends, I will reply after New Years is over, probably the following Monday. I will be busy with holiday stuff the next few days. I know I should of replied earlier, but I got preoccupied with other things. Just wanted to let you know I haven’t forgotten about you! C:


So, after being on DeviantArt for most of my absense on here, I have decided that I will be getting on here more again. I'll still be on DA though, but my inspiration is low at the moment so yeah. I was also maybe thinking about getting into roleplaying and writing stories again, but I'll just have to see.


@Facingdemons I guess that's understandable, lol. Well, she is on now so if you want to she should respond. C:
            They both were angsty, lol. Yeah, they just need to sit down and talk about it. (I also might reply tomorrow night because it's getting late and I got work, I'm also trying to figure out how to reply properly. XD)


@Facingdemons That works then! She may or may not be joining us though, she was surprised because she didn't think you had been hanging out here still, lol. But anyways, I think it had something to do with Alex being jealous of the life Michael had, and Michael was pissed because Alex tried to hurt Mel, and Melody who wasn't even born yet. Something along those lines. XD


@Facingdemons I just asked her if she wanted to join us, either way I still would like to continue the roleplay regardless. I was thinking if we wanted to do the whole Michael and Alex fight thing, it could be done in the new one, but in a like a flashback sort of thing? XD


Just got back from vacation last night, though I'm sick, which is why I didn't really get on last night, and I didn't have internet where I was at and I didn't want to use up the data on my phone, so that's why I kind of disappeared for a bit. Expect me to reply shortly, though. C:


@Melanie_Blake @Facingdemons @KnightRolePlayer
          Okay, if you didn't see my last message, I'm doing a squeal roleplay to the last Power Rangers roleplay of mine, and I'm probably going to have it up soon. If you're interested in joining it, please let me know so I can save spots for you that you would want. That is all. XD


@KnightRolePlayer Cool. If you want to discuss anything about it or if have any questions about it, just PM me. I should have the roleplay posted either later on tonight or tomorrow night.