
this message may be offensive
My apologies everyone. I know I have been MIA once again. I'm dealing with important family matters along with other shit I can't control. So I will try to post as much. It's just a lot has been going on ever since 2021 began. Thank you all for being with me on this beautiful journey, I am very grateful. I do kinda feel like running away and starting fresh but I don't even know where to start. I promise to post tomorrow when I get home and then post the same time the next day. Bye my loves, hope you have a wonderful day and once again thank you.❤


this message may be offensive
My apologies everyone. I know I have been MIA once again. I'm dealing with important family matters along with other shit I can't control. So I will try to post as much. It's just a lot has been going on ever since 2021 began. Thank you all for being with me on this beautiful journey, I am very grateful. I do kinda feel like running away and starting fresh but I don't even know where to start. I promise to post tomorrow when I get home and then post the same time the next day. Bye my loves, hope you have a wonderful day and once again thank you.❤


I understand the majority of my readers don't like Mattia Polibio, but do not go writing rude comments about him in my book. I get that most people don't like him but he is also a human and has feelings. I know that his has not done right but he has feelings. Other fandoms going out of there way to post his personal information and putting him and his family in danger is not okay. If you do not like him please find another fan book to read. Thank you and have goodnight. I will post tomorrow.