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Hey everyone! I'm so sorry for not updating but for the past month I've been deciding whether I want to keep writing and stay on Wattpad or not. After a long, stressful, think, I've decided that I am no longer going to be on wattpad! I'm so sorry, I don't have the inspiration to write anymore and it feels more like I have to write than something I want to do. It has been an amazing experience, I've made a lot of friends which has helped me with my anxiety which was the reason I started Wattpad, a friend of mine said it will help meet new friends and get use to being social with people you don't know and it has helped me a lot! I've met some good friends, some I am very close with, it has been a fantastic journey which I'm glad that I've taken with you guys but this journey for me is over. If you would like to stay in touch, add me on Snapchat abby13579 I will talk if you're not super axe murderer creepy but yeah, I think that's all! Thank you for all your support and dealing with my shit, so I think that's all! Keep fighting, Keep living, Stay happy And don't let anyone destroy your dreams I love you all! Goodbye my followers, Parker x