
So last week I was scared because the radiologist misdiagnosed me as having early onset dementia or alzheimers.   However, he did not look at my history and my stroke.  My left side of my brain is shrinking from my stroke, and they detected a second stroke that I probably thought was one of the migraines that mimic a stroke.  So, there are a lot of doctors appointments ahead.


So last week I was scared because the radiologist misdiagnosed me as having early onset dementia or alzheimers.   However, he did not look at my history and my stroke.  My left side of my brain is shrinking from my stroke, and they detected a second stroke that I probably thought was one of the migraines that mimic a stroke.  So, there are a lot of doctors appointments ahead.


So I am home from the hospital with not so great news.  I will be sent to a gi specialist for certain and a liver doctor.   My liver is huge and fatty already showing non alcoholic cirrhosis.  My body has so much trapped gas in it that my intestines are stretched and the doctor said he understood completely why I was in so much pain.  I don't know when I will write again, but I will get back to it.  Ty all!
          Mrs D


@Mrsdracon thank you so very much. You're very k8nd.  I wasn't expecting this, but now I've got to try to do my best to stay well.  I love you all


I’m praying that all goes well with your health.  You being healthy and happy is more important than writing.  Keep your spirits high and your faith strong. 


I have completely deleted book two's content except for the introduction.  I was completely unhappy with the whole book so I am starting over.  Going to make better notes from the first book.  I failed and I recognize my failures.   It just takes me a little extra time some times to get where I need to be from my stoke damage.  I will get started on it and hopefully have an update soon!  
          Much love ❤️ 
          Mrs D


Everyone please forgive me.   I hav writer's block 


I hope you are well.  I’m looking forward to seeing how the story ends.  Hopefully you get over your block after resting. 


@Mrsdracon You are forgiven! I have been in one since December so I understand! :)


Miss you!! I hope you and your family are well! Can't wait for the next update!! Sending love and healthy vibes your way!!


@Mrsdracon Can't wait! You are just fine! Was a little worried since last I heard from you, you were sick. The holidays were great and I hope yours were as well! ❤️


@Olliedawn9 I finally updated, and I am working on next chapter.   Sorry for being slow, and I appreciate you so much    I'm also streaming video games a lot on Twitch.   I hope your holidays were amazing and send love your way. 


Hi everyone.   I'm sorry I haven't been writing,  but I've been ill for a couple of weeks,  and now trying to deal with my husband's new fortunate events that are also very anxiety filled.  I will get back just as soon as possible.   I do apologize 


@Olliedawn9 thank you so much.  I will private message you and tell you what happened 


@Mrsdracon Hon, you have nothing to worry about on here! You just worry about you and your husband. Get better and your loyal fans will be patiently waiting for more of your wonderful writing! Sending all the love and support your way!


I hope you’re doing well! I found both books and binge read them. I know you probably haven’t updated due to not feeling well, so I’m sending you love and healing prayers! Be well, I can’t wait to read more! ❤️


@B_blackheart thanks so much.  Yes, the past 4 days have been misery.  I haven't been well at all.  I do have half a chapter written so I'll be back asap 