Anime ...Hey my guy's and gal's and lgbtq+ pals. i like to read and watch the owl house mha demon slayer  campcamp  and Amphibia  .Im bisexual i hope yall support me pronon's (she. her) love's food and i hope we can get along.Also if some of yall are homaphobic THEN LEAVE                                                                         
Also Dear bullies rememer that boy/girl.They/Them you pushed?They KTM.The girl/boy They/Them you called fat.They starve Themself's.The kid you teased beacause he/she They/Them cried There parent's died.The man/Women They/Them you made fun of beacause of There scare's He/she They/Them fought for the country.The pouch you stole from the family They might be homeless.Everyone you'v been mean to? or hurt.You hurt them or ruined there life and it's not ther fault And you think you know them.
All the makeup in the world won't make u less insecure
~Melanie martinez~
  • Under your bed >:)
  • RegistriertSeptember 1, 2021

Letzte Nachricht
Mrslonley333 Mrslonley333 May 14, 2022 04:22PM
Just watched labryth runners and IT WAS AMAZEING
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Geschichten von Heartstopper.lover.who?
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I need you!
Heyo:> this a raine x eda angst story now this is my AU to i will give warning's so if the stuff i put in...
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I will tell u my toh oc first and u tell me yours then we can rp kk:> also we can do angst but not to much
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There can be angst if u want just not to much if u know what i mean i will tell u my toh oc on the 1 page of...
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