
Finished “Night” this morning. The sun is rising ☀️ there is a promise for the one who just holds on. Night doesn’t last long. 


Ch. 3 “God is testing us. He wants to find out whether we can dominate our base instincts and kill the Satan within us.” Said Akiba Drummer. I just admire how in this perilous time the Jews are looking to God in order to make some sense of this hardship they have come to endure. 
          What’s stands out to me the most is that the Jews knew that this would not happen had God not permitted it to take place. Hence, confirming that He is truly in control of their lives even unto death as the Lord almighty. 


“Look! Look at it! Fire! A terrible fire! Mercy! Oh, that fire!”
          Screamed Madame Schachter pointing into the darkness. 
          No one saw so no one believed. 
          When they did see they also smelled - smelled burning flesh!!
          Oh my, I cannot imagine this event really taking place and this is just the beginning. Just the beginning of a horrific time that ends in what some may perceive the worst way and others the best.
          To be absent in the body is to be present with the Lord. 
          The optimist!


@Mrsteelf I love how you connected the story to God . Because God is a big part in this book. I LOVE IT!!!!