
@ItsBree What's your other story thingy that you told me bout before you left? I really wanna read it!!!!


@ItsBree I hav not!! Jee wizza ur like One if my best friends! My god! Hahahahaha u need to relax! I'm watching this show and this guy told this skank that she had a pretty smile. she then said that her doctor made it.....coz she had so much Plastic surgery! Hahahahaha god we miss u sooooooooooo much!


@ItsBree I mean that I sound so angry when the call ur name and Danielle out in the role. And I hav not replaced u at all! No body can replace u coz u so damn awesome! I'm just bein nice coz she's new. It is so weird coz she looks just like Danielle!!!!! And y did u say that I was smart but thanx! And u didn't answer MY question. Whats it like withought me there? Hehehehe-evil laugh coz I aint gonna stop asking til u tell me!!!! :)


@ItsBree Hey k wats it like withought me there at school huh?? Hahaha! U can not give away the one direction tickets k?! Renae will KILL u! Hahahaha I am so bitter when the teachers ask where u r. I will let u know when I have my tryout k? Btw I hav holes in my hand coz I jumped across a creek and landed on sticks! :) 


@ItsBree Alright. It's the worst withought u and Danielle. We miss u so much. It's so quiet withought u especially! I hav holes in my hands right now so it is really hard to write this! 
          I'm so glad ur having fun! I hav to read Romeo and Juliet ofut in front of my English class and so does renae. I hav to read a part where I am telling someone off. Also I am a boy in it.....renae is angry she doesn't get to hit anyone! So tell me all about it!! :)