
Hey there,
          	I hope you're doing well. Firstly, I owe you all a massive apology for disappearing without a word. I've been feeling pretty awful about it, to be honest. Life just kind of took over, and I found myself swept up in a whirlwind of college deadlines and family stuff that demanded my attention.
          	I've been wrestling with this story, too. It's been like hitting a mental brick wall every time I sit down to write. I promise it's not for lack of wanting to share with you all – I've just been struggling to find the right words.
          	Thanks for being patient with me through all of this. Your support means the world, truly. I'm hoping to find my way back to the keyboard soon, but until then, I hope you understand where I'm coming from.
          	Take care, and thanks again for sticking with me.
          	Warm regards,
          	— lia 


Hey there,
          I hope you're doing well. Firstly, I owe you all a massive apology for disappearing without a word. I've been feeling pretty awful about it, to be honest. Life just kind of took over, and I found myself swept up in a whirlwind of college deadlines and family stuff that demanded my attention.
          I've been wrestling with this story, too. It's been like hitting a mental brick wall every time I sit down to write. I promise it's not for lack of wanting to share with you all – I've just been struggling to find the right words.
          Thanks for being patient with me through all of this. Your support means the world, truly. I'm hoping to find my way back to the keyboard soon, but until then, I hope you understand where I'm coming from.
          Take care, and thanks again for sticking with me.
          Warm regards,
          — lia 


It feels like ages since we last caught up! I hope you’re doing well. I owe you a big apology for dropping off the radar lately. Being college student sucks, especially with the chaos of the second semester hitting me like a ton of bricks. Between juggling assignments, pulling all-nighters for Retdems, and sorting through some personal stuff, it’s been a whirlwind.
          I wanted to shoot you a quick note to let you know that I'm still be out of commission for this week and the next (upcoming exams). But don’t worry, I’m not ghosting you guys– just need a bit of time to get my ducks in a row. Let’s definitely plan to catch up properly once I’m back on track. 
          Path of love ... soonn
          Take care of yourself, and thanks for being so understanding!


@MsAurumLia take all the timee Ms. liaa, even tho miss ko na yung next updates


Hi everyone, I regret to inform you that there will be a temporary pause in updates due to a personal issue I am currently dealing with. I appreciate your understanding during this time, and I assure you that I will return as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and support. - Lia


Hi everyone, the next updates ay sa Dec 22. Sorry for the delay medyo busy din kasi lalo na final grading na sa 1st sem and medyo madami pang hinahabol na deadlines ^^ Sorry everyone,  bawi ngayon bakasyon promise ^^ 