
Also going to fix some chapter that need fixing because I hate them it was the early stages of writing


Hey, that’s ok! Me and another friend just did the same thing except…
          	  We started all over and remade it with better planning and characters.
          	  But either way, renovation isn’t bad! Think of a house as your writing. It may look pretty at first, but slowly you may notice little things you’d like to re-write.


Also going to fix some chapter that need fixing because I hate them it was the early stages of writing


Hey, that’s ok! Me and another friend just did the same thing except…
            We started all over and remade it with better planning and characters.
            But either way, renovation isn’t bad! Think of a house as your writing. It may look pretty at first, but slowly you may notice little things you’d like to re-write.


Hi recently I have been getting comments on my book project 13, about one of Y/n quirk like “why are you sing stfu”  something like that but I just want to say that I am fully aware how cringing it is, but gets annoying seen the same comment again and again yes in a way  it’s kind of my fault for choosing that for her quirk, but in a way i’m kind of forced  my own hand here because the way I’m building her character development on Y/n will soon come to play on why she sing ( besides the quirk info) so hopefully that will stop people complaining on why is she sings BUT I know that some people find it cringing anyways I just wanted to put that out there 
          Ps the away people complain makes me Laugh because I know what position they’re in and I know how sometimes it’s cringing but it’s just a quirk 


Hey, singing can be awesome if used in a correct way.
            One of my characters has a quirk that ties into singing. What it really comes down to is atmosphere and how well the song fits.