Hello my beloveds, checking in, I hope your holidays and New Year was swell. For those that follow the story, Unkissed, I want to address something. I am almost done, finally lol, but pretty soon the book will be taken down for editing, but when it comes back up again, there will be a MAJOR change in the story line that better fits the genre. Upon reading the story back I think it does better as a dark romantasy. No there will not be any dragons, ghouls or witches. Those are in my next upcoming series in the future lol. But I wanted to point out now so in case your like, 'Oh, I didn't see that coming.' I warned ya! Also for my other stories, I appreciate your patients soooo much, honestly writing for you guys is just ... *Sighs dreamily* I can't wait to publish so you guys can have your own copies! But as for my other stories, Tarzan, Poseidon, Hercules, and the short stories (There is others in the making by the way) each has chapters ready, so be on the lookout cause who know, maybe I'll just randomly upload them one day. But than that would mean you would have to wait another while for the next one and that would not seem fair, I can't do that to you guys. Bare with me please, I am almost there lol. See what I did there? Anyways I love you all soo much, wishing you guys a good New year!

Thanks I hope yours was too can’t wait for the new updates I hope bothe sides of your pillow are cold god bless u