My friend reminded me of this old account and OMFG I'm dying. These books were SO shitty and I have no idea why they got so popular. Anyways, I wrote Ender when I was 12. I'm 19 now, and my writing is no longer as shitty. If you guys want to know what I'm doing these days, I run a comic on Webtoon called Blind Devotion that's much better than these Minecraft fanfics (and has nice art)! It's a sci-fi action-romance about a morally-corrupt space pirate who's reckless nature accidentally gets her involved in a war that she doesn't want to fight. If you liked my old work, feel free to check it out!

They may not have been the most well written, but they still have a certain nostalgia to them, and a lot of people probably enjoy them even now, if only to take them back. It's cool to see that you're still writing, though. I'll have to check out Blind Devotion

@edward1718 that’s weird, it comes up when I search it. Make sure you’re searching on discover and not just in the Webtoon exclusives section! Also, if you scroll down really far in the sci-fi genre section, you should find it eventually. It hasn’t been updated in over a week so it’s pretty far down, but it’s there, I checked!