I want to be a vlogger but I'm not good at speaking.
I want to be an ulzzang but I'm not cute and my pics aren't aesthetic.
I want to be a memer but I'm not that funny.
I want to be a shitposter but my sense of humour is so corny.
I want to be a writer but I don't know how to deliver a story .
I want to be a musician but I don't have a good voice and I don't even know how to play any instruments.
I want to be confident but I'm an insecure ass hole who looks myself in the mirror while thinking why am I so ugly and not even sexy?
I want to be special but there isn't unique and interesting about me.
I want to be in a relationship with a fic. Character and have a fairytale love story but I don't have the characteristics of being a leading lady.
I want to be a good daughter but i can't even make my parents proud.
Look! I'm just nothing, I'm talentless and unattractive, but heeey! I'm trying my best, pls appreciate me.