
Gothic Academia is up on my other account @pretty-mik


Hey, y'all. I know it's been a while since I posted on her. 
          I'm thinking of shifting all of my anime/cartoon fanfiction to a different account and making this account strictly for K-pop fanfiction. 
          I'll still leave the already published anime/cartoon fanfiction on AO3 under Ms_Liz_Steele since I'll be releasing them first on AO3 before publishing them on her. 
          For those who want to read anime/cartoon fanfiction, you'll probably find them at @pretty-mik. 


@canderloro no problem. I'm thinking of rewriting the levi story. Not sure when but that's what I'm planning on doing 


@Ms_Liz_Steele okay thanks for letting me know. Looking forward to reading more of your Levi book whenever it’s reposted 


@canderloro yes. All anime and cartoon fanfiction will be reposted there. This account will be for kpop fanfiction only 


Hey ya'll. It's been like six months since I was active in writing. Don't worry, nothing too crazy happened to me like many wattpad writers who've been on a very long hiatus loooool. So why was I gone for this long. 
          Firstly: I started an internship in March so it's been very busy with working three days a week + Saturday and public holidays. So I usually come home exhausted af
          Second: writer's block and lack of motivation to write. With my work schedule and life lifing me currently, I hadn't been finding any motivation to write. Not to forget I have new stories that I hadn't updated on A03 as well and I'm still yet to work on a new chapter which is going to take a long time. 
          Am I back to write again?
          Kinda. I mean it took a lot of energy to get me to sit down, write and type the new chapter for No love and I'm pretty sure that it will be the same for the rest of my stories. Especially with life lifing me lol.
          So yeah. That's all from me. I'll see you when I'll see you. 


this message may be offensive
So apparently, Wattpad has been on a story removal streak this past week. I've been hearing that some writers have had their stories removed for "violating community guidelines" and it's giving TikTok :/.
          I think it's high time we back up our stories in case Wattpad decides to pull this shit on us. In case one of my stories gets removed, follow me on:
          Inkitt: Chang The Nerd
          AO3: Ms_Liz_Steele
          Fanfiction.Net: MsLizSteele99
          Tumblr: mslizsteele-stories


@the-red-jester well that freaking sucks :/


@Ms_Liz_Steele based on what some of the official Wattpad accounts are saying: they're not necessarily purging intentionally, they've just updated their content guidelines but they haven't really made sure everyone knows about the updates. it looks like they're flagging stuff without giving the authors a chance to learn the new guidelines and make story changes