
@alicia105107 thank you so much !! I'll checkout your works just as I get time and yeah feel free to see my work and I would love to hear your opinion ! :)


Well hey Afreen638! thanks for following me! And as promised I followed you haha well sometime you should read my works and I'll read yours after I stop reading another one of my followers book. BTW Blind-heart looks reeeaaally interesting! Yup for sure imma read it!


@Subiya_  really ? I will wish you but what's your age ?


And also, after reading your bio.  I'm like..  Omg. You're kina like me lol..


Yup. 13th! And I'm a year older xD


          Just popped by to say thankyou so much for fanning me!
          It genuinely means the world to me and I can't even express how thankful I am :)
          If you've voted, commented or even read any of my stories thankyou again!
          If you haven't it would mean the world to me if you could check one of them out when you have the time :)
          If you ever need  favour don't hesitate to PM me!
          If you want me to read your story send me a private message, don't post it on my profile!
          Hope you have a good weekend!
          Much Love SecretCrush2k12 :) xxx