I had a dream last night that I had to go to a wedding for this German dude who sounded EXACTLY like the German dude in this https://youtube.com/shorts/rQxLQTl8kjo?feature=share and apparently I was related to either the bride or him because his daughter was going to become my step sister and me and my brother/friend/dad had to say wedding vows but in German??? I don’t know any German and I didn’t know any in the dream so I had to learn German in like 2 days and when I had to say the wedding vows I said then In fluent German but like I said I don’t know German so I was really just saying them in English? After that I talked to the guy’s daughter/my new step sister about how hard it is to move to a different country (I’ve lived in the same city my whole life) and then I woke up. I don’t know how I got this dream, I don’t know any German people, the only German people I ‘know’ are my great grandparents and I’ve NEVER met either of them. So if you know something about dreams and stuff please tell me what this means