
Hey guys I'm soo sooo sorry I know its been forever since I updated but I haven't been able to get my laptop back cause if its not one thing its another had to get a used cheap car cause my other one broke down and cost a lot to fix. My dad is letting me borrow his tablet next weekend n I promise I will update from that, its just to hard to do from my phone and trust me I'm not happy about waiting I have so many ideas n stuff for my last chapter n epilogue plus the fact that's all I have left to write and I can't its frustrating. Thanks and sorry just hang in there one more week. 


Keep your faith strong.  The doctors are great, but they upset me when they say things like they know the cancer will come back or only give some one a few months to live.  Only God know the answer to that, because He is in control. My husband was told that I wouldn't make it after I was diagnosed with Steven Johnson Syndrome, but God saved me and I tell everyone I know.  I will keep you and you family in my prayers.  I just finished reading you story and I loved it!