Hi, uh this is really sort of embarrassing but I would like to tell you my biggest ghost story that happened to me. I was 7 and I am 14 now, but I still have nightmares about this. It was late October, and I was getting ready for bed. I kept seeing a shadow in the corner of my room, so I told it to leave but it wouldn't, so I went to bed. As I closed my eyes I felt it staring at me with hatred and contempt. I was about to get up to tell my mom when it pinned me to the bed and started to strangle me. I could hear it whispering about an evil deed. Then I saw a white axe looking thing appear in between its eyes!( I looked it up later and figured out it was a tomahawk) An Indian walked up to me after the shadow disappeared and hugged me. He said his name was Little-rock.
He also made me fall asleep. The next morning I found an arrowhead on my dresser shaped like a tomahawk. It disappeared the day after that, though, so I never got to show my mom. That's my story!