I've been thinking a lot after what happened in Florida today. There is so much bad and sad in the world, but there is plenty of good too. That's why I'm writing this message, to spread some good...
You guys know that if you ever need a place to talk, vent, rant or whatever my inbox is open, right? I'll listen to your problems, I can be encouraging, I can offer advice, and I will do anything in my power to help y'all out if you need a kind word or a sympathetic ear. I don't want any of you guys to ever feel like you don't have someone to talk to because I'm only a message away. I might not answer within seconds, but I promise you that I will answer as soon as I see the message.
I know I've said all of this before and it's probably super weird, but I really do mean it. I want to help y'all if I can and I want y'all to know you have a place to chat, vent, or ask for help if you need it.
You don't even have to have a reason to be upset or whatever, just come talk to me and I'll do my best to help you! You won't have to worry about me judging or laughing at you or even me telling anyone what you've said, I won't do any of that. I won't even reply if you don't want me to!
There's so much negativity in the world, so I just wanted to make sure everyone knew that I'm willing to listen to you and whatever s bothering you if you need it. I know that's probably weird or creepy coming from someone on the Internet, but it's probably going to be helpful somehow. Talking it out has helped a couple of you in the past, and I just wanted to make sure y'all knew that was still true today.
My heart goes out to everyone in Orlando, and just anyone having problems in general. Please stay safe, everyone, and take care of yourselves. Have a nice day!