
Hey guys, so sorry I haven't been posting. Some stuff recently happened, and I haven't been able to find any time to write. I've also slipped into a state of minor depression, so I haven't had the motivation to do really anything except for eat and sleep. I really do apologise, and I would love to start taking requests for any kind of story. Please. I want to write again.


Hey guys, so sorry I haven't been posting. Some stuff recently happened, and I haven't been able to find any time to write. I've also slipped into a state of minor depression, so I haven't had the motivation to do really anything except for eat and sleep. I really do apologise, and I would love to start taking requests for any kind of story. Please. I want to write again.


Guys, I just noticed this. As of right now, I have 200 followers. Thank you all so much for supporting me. It means the world to me to know that there are people who read and like my writing. Thank you again! I'm thinking of doing a name reveal, how does that sound?