
That feeling when you are showing your mom your pictures of Paul McCartney and then you accidentally flash her with mclennon porn.... hate when that happens
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That feeling when you are showing your mom your pictures of Paul McCartney and then you accidentally flash her with mclennon porn.... hate when that happens
That feeling when you are showing your mom your pictures of Paul McCartney and then you accidentally flash her with mclennon porn.... hate when that happens
Hi! Just want to say I love your story’s so please pst more! I love Queen and the fandom so maylor fics would be amazing but whatever you want to write I’ll read!
@melove_anime Thank you so much! I appreciate the compliments. Unfortunately, I'm not very active in the Queen fandom anymore. I do have one unreleased maylor oneshot in my drafts, but I never published it in my cursed maylor oneshots book as I thought it was just too dark for Wattpad. If you really want to read it though, you can send me a DM and I will send it to you!
Thanks For all of The Comments on my Story! It's not done yet and A new part or two should come out later today, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
@TheBeatssss I would say the fandom was at its most active 60 years ago xD I'll take what I can get tho
@Mudkip77777 that's accually not that bad I though like 4 years ago it was SUPER active but okay, damn hopefully it does make a return lol
Hey girl. Myslím, že párkrát si mi komentovala moje fanficce česky, z čehož usuzuju, že jsi z česka. Chtěla bych se zeptat jaký máš nazor na mé psaní y’know. Angličtina není můj první jazyk (obviously), tak kdybys chtěla a měla čas můžeš napsat nějaký feedback. A ptám se tebe, protože nikdo v mém širokém okolí nemá tak rád beatles a připadala bych si jak úchyl. (If im wrong and youre not form czech please let me know.)
@lennyholic Ahoj, jo jsem z Česka :D Já popravdě nějaký specifický názor na tvoje psaní nemám. Je očividné, že tu fanfikci nepíše rodilý mluvčí , ale v tom nehledej nic špatného. Čím víc budeš psát v angličtině, tím víc se budeš v ní zdokonalovat, takže určitě neváhej a pokračuj ve svém psaní. S časem si všimneš, jak se tvůj způsob psaní zlepšuje a jak se stáváš pohodlnějším ve vyjadřování slov a nápadů v angličtině. Nezapomeň číst také anglické texty, protože to ti může pomoci s rozšířením slovní zásoby a lepším porozuměním gramatických struktur. Nevím, jestli jsi chtěla více konkrétní zpětnou vazbu ohledně tvého psaní. Hodně záleží na tom, v jakém kontextu se příběh odehrává a co se v něm snažíš vyjádřit. Bylo by toho opravdu hodně a trvalo by mi to dlouho, než bych všechno podrobně vypsala. Nicméně, jedna věc, která se často opakuje v každé kapitole, je absence apostrofů ve zkrácených tvarech. Místo "dont" by mělo být "don't", "didnt" by mělo být "didn't", "wasnt" by mělo být "wasn't", "ive" by mělo být "I've", a tak dále. Toto je drobná gramatická oprava, která může přispět k celkovému dojmu a plynulosti textu. Další věc, které jsem si všimla, je, že by bylo vhodné začít nový odstavec v situacích, kdy začne mluvit jiná postava. Z hlediska čitelnosti a struktury textu je důležité začít nový odstavec pokaždé, když začne mluvit jiná postava, jelikož to umožní čtenářům lépe sledovat dialog a rozlišovat mezi různými postavami. Celkově vzato, jsem ráda, že jsi se rozhodla psát a zdokonalovat se v angličtině. Postupně se naučíš většinu těchto pravidel a tvé psaní bude čím dál lepší. P.S. Určitě by ses neměla cítit jako úchyl za psaní takových příběhů. Píšeš to, co tě baví a co tě naplňuje, a to je skvělé :)
Guys you’re never going to believe what happened to me this morning :// so I woke up, and immediately fell fell out of bed :C dragged a comb across my head bc I’ve still gotta look pretty even if I do have a concussion. Found my way downstairs(I am very concussed) and drank a cup, and looking up, I noticed I was late D: of fucking course. Found my coat and grabbed my hat (thank god I could find it tbh. I am severely concussed). Made the bus in seconds flat which. Y’know buses make me hard. So I had to find my way upstairs and have a smoke. Then somebody spoke and I literally went into a dream. worst morning ever tbh
So, I don’t know if you’ll see this or if you’ll even remember asking me if I had discord but I just got discord. A while ago you said there was a McLennon writing discord and if it’s still up and stuff maybe I could join it? If not then that’s fine, but I just thought I would ask. I know it’s been a hot minute since I’ve been in here to talk with other people but I know that you come back to the site like I do. So, hi again, I guess. It feels weird since I remember making friends and now they’ve all vanished so the sliver of a chance that you might see this would be amazing. Much love, Iris (which I guess I can start using my chosen name on this app now? Idk, I’ll see if I like it)
Oops- i accidentally published my message without finishing it, but my point is: if you want, you could create new friends on here without needing to publish a new chapter or an update. The fact that you remembered your wattpad account and decided to write to me tells me that you do want to experience some of those internet-friendships again, so I'm just here to tell you that you're free to do so and frankly, it's easier to make those connections on wattpad than on ao3. Though I don't want to force you to go interact with the beatles fandom on here if you don't feel like that sort of thing is for you anymore. I just want to reassure you that you shouldn't be afraid of coming back to this fandom but also you shouldn't feel bad if you decide to not come back, I would understand.
@1957dreams Well you've already sorta came back, haven't you? You don't have to write stories to be a part of the fandom, I just interact with it by voting and commenting on the most recently published stories and chatting with the authors
@Mudkip77777 It’s completely fine, life gets busy. About my AO3 account; it did get some traction but not a lot of vocal feedback (so a lot like my stuff on Wattpad), although I think I like posting on AO3 more because it gets some attention quicker, at least from the last time I posted on there. But I just haven’t had time or energy for writing (taking college classes in high school is fun ✌️) so idk how coming back would go
You can't swear in wattpad comments anymore???? My comment just got automatically reported, this account is in the moderator's hands right now. Please wattpad have mercy on my soul
@king-of-the-internet That would really be a breakthrough!
Hope you’re okay Mudz :)
I’m glad you’re okay! I understand that feeling, I hope that it does pass but make sure you’re not overworking yourself :))
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