
Hi Everyone 
          	How are you all doing? Hope you people are doing good.
          	This announcement regarding new book, I posted one new book which is one shot. Concealed Affections. It's one shot guys. I will remove it after a week. Please don't forget to vote and comment.
          	Thank you.


Heyy!! really liked your book. Hello everyone, I am a new writer, please give a look to my new book, Fragile Hearts.

          Share your opinions about the characters in the comment section and please vote. Your time and efforts will be appreciated.


Hi Everyone 
          How are you all doing? Hope you people are doing good.
          This announcement regarding new book, I posted one new book which is one shot. Concealed Affections. It's one shot guys. I will remove it after a week. Please don't forget to vote and comment.
          Thank you.


Hii Everyone  
          How are you all doing?  
          This is regarding the update of the next chapters. I wanted to inform you people that upcoming chapters will be slow in Wattpad. As I decided that I will continue publishing in Inkitt. As I earlier mentioned in last chapter I will publish in Inkitt. I published the book in Inkitt. Whoever is interested to read, please check my instagram account for Inkitt link or you can search by book name. I already published the next chapter. Please do check it and let me give me feedback. 
          And sorry for disappointing you people as I said I will publish here but I am scared of Wattpad and readers. As people won't vote and encourage writers and coming to Wattpad we can't guess what happens with it. So I chose this way. Readers who are not voting please stop reading my book. And I want genuine reviews by readers who loves my writing. Will meet you guys there. Don't forget to shower your love on my books. Thank you so much guys. 
          Take care  


Hello dear did u delete the book?


Alright…I ll be waiting 


@KritiSingla yeah I unpublished due to Wattpad glitch. I don't have backup. And I am busy to write and have a copy of book. So i unpublished it. I will publish again after having the back up..


Hi didi…have you removed the book?


Okay di, take your time!!


@RiddhiBajaj27 I will publish dear. I got scared as people's book were deleted by Wattpad and I didn't have any backup yet so I unpublished it...soon I will publish 