Honesty, you are indeed very talented! I am eagerly waiting for more chapters in the blood series! I would like to recommend your work to my friends and peers if it's fine with you and your permission, of course. It deserves its due recognition, well, that's my personal opinion. My apologies for any inconvenience.

@MugiwaraHancock I recognise pure talent when I experience it in others. You convey them Marvellously. I am always sincere with my words. Unfortunately, I do not get the pleasure of writing as often as I used to after a whole day from work. Maybe 2 hours per week if extremely lucky. It's a hobby, so if I get time, I invest in it; otherwise back to social life. So, when I read works brimming with life like yours, it genuinely encourages me not to give up mine despite the immense fatigue and exhaustion. So, I am always blunt and sincere in my words. I do believe you have something incredible here. It will be an honour to support you. :}