
What kind of books do you guys think we should write??


          	  Depends on things you like or you want to write 
          	  What are some of your hobbies or things you like or want to do ? 
          	  Base your books off of things like that 
          	  Like for example I wanted to stop bullies so I wrote a book on bullying 
          	  I wanted to write a book about something teens like ( smut ) so I wrote that 
          	  Just find some thing you like or want to do and put it in a book 
          	  ( Sorry not good advice but just being honest 


Hi your book was good please write another one 


@doserlyjane well there is no need to thank me hon I'm just being honest I write as well not wonderful or good that's why I look for other writers I ran across your account based on my book called bullied as well I saw it and was interested as I red the book it was very good and I understood it. So as I said your a wonderful writer if it's a dream or a hobby keep at it your amazing 


@doserlyjane thank you!! i just posted a new chapter to Bullied. it needed it, honestly Sam and I forgot we even made this account. ~Ash


@doserlyjane :) your good writers keep going you make wonderful books 


What kind of books do you guys think we should write??


            Depends on things you like or you want to write 
            What are some of your hobbies or things you like or want to do ? 
            Base your books off of things like that 
            Like for example I wanted to stop bullies so I wrote a book on bullying 
            I wanted to write a book about something teens like ( smut ) so I wrote that 
            Just find some thing you like or want to do and put it in a book 
            ( Sorry not good advice but just being honest 