Hi everybody! As you might have noticed, I've been on a very long hiatus. I moved, started a new job, got married, there's been a pandemic and a whole slew of other anxiety-inducing incidents...and through it all I really cut back on all forms of social media and worked on taking care of myself. I left Wallflower Spies unfinished, and honestly I was afraid of logging in again and seeing that no one cared. Instead, I've been reading through your wonderful comments and messages and I'm reminded of how much I loved sharing my work here with all of you.
As one does, I started completely re-working Wallflower Spies while I was working on myself. I got to a point where I told myself I was done with it, and I starting working on other projects only to keep coming back to the Regencies. I kept hitting brick wall after brick wall and I realized it's because I was sticking too close to the original five novels I tried publishing years ago. I've been moving past that and I've made some really good changes, but I feel a bit awful about starting it from the beginning yet again. However, it might be fun for everyone here who has read the first 1/3rd of the re-write to experience the madness that is my writing process, and I am considering returning to work on this project and sharing it here.
The latest version is still rather rough and I need to work out a couple more plot-holes, but if I start putting in a bit more effort I might be able to have a few chapters up by the end of the month. It should be different enough that it will not completely feel like re-reading what I've already posted but I understand if you want to hold off until I can solidify my ideas for more stand-alone novellas (and maybe a novel or two about some Weathering siblings).
No matter what, know that I am grateful to all of you who have stuck around. Writing brings me great joy, but knowing there are people who want to read my work is a feeling I never thought I would experience. Thank you.