
who are the 18 friends you can't ever forget in your life? message this to those 18 just like i did. let's see how many messages you get back! start sending - be honest! only 18! i value you! ^-^ today is world promise day... i promise you that i won't forget you in my life. send this to all your friends who you won't forget in your whole life. ^-^


Happy Valentine's Day! You're awesome! ❤


@MuisDeMieke Thank you so much! No worries! ❤❤


Thanks for the follow.  I found your profile because we were both reading "The sisters from Nowhere" and then I saw you were also South African, so I figured I should follow you!


@curiousgeo It's a pleasure! Happy to be talking with a fellow South African :p
            I always wondered how people came across my profile! :) 


I love dogs too! I have a historical fiction and if you’d like, please check it out ❤️ and btw since you like chess, have you watched The Queen’s Gambit? 


@flowersforleah thanks for the message, I'll check your book out after I finish my current book I haven't watched The Queens Gambit yet but my Sister has finished it and I want to start it but I'm way too busy with other things sometimes And aren't dogs like the best living pets out there! ♥️