Alright, so, I have decided and I definitely DON'T plan on writing for this particular site again or any time soon. I swear, every time I come on here there's some type of message of authors I like, telling people to chill because people don't read (the irony) the disclaimers, the warnings. Then we have that lovely issue of the people who are the first to complain about things when its not going their way and that whole toxic bs is not for me. I am not going to deal with whining and whims. So! While I'm unsure when I update anything else, at the moment I will be migrating things officially to only two places: Inkitt and Ao3. Do I particularly like these platforms? no. I'm not used to it but still, I know people like these stories so if you wanna read go there.
Username for both: MultiDayDreamer