
I am so sorry for being MIA lately. There was a sudden death in my family that I am dealing with but I promise to get back to writing as soon as I can. I already have ideas for chapters that I just have to actually figure out how to write. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding!


@Multi_Goddess_  take your time  I hope everything goes well sorry to hear about the sudden death 


I am so sorry for being MIA lately. There was a sudden death in my family that I am dealing with but I promise to get back to writing as soon as I can. I already have ideas for chapters that I just have to actually figure out how to write. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding!


@Multi_Goddess_  take your time  I hope everything goes well sorry to hear about the sudden death 


Hello everyone!!! SO sorry for going AWOL for a while LOL, my computer broke and I had to get a new one and I lost a ton of works so it took a while for me to get back up to speed!!! I finally got around to posting a new chapter of EVERCHANGING and I will be going and replying to any of your messages!! So sorry for taking so long and thank you so much for your patience and support<3<3<3


@ Multi_Goddess_  (⁠*⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠~⁠♡


❤️I am making a fanfic inspired by yours, and I would just like to thank you for giving me the confidence to post it. You're the best❤️


@Paytonis1loser OH OH yes please take as much inspiration or reference from my work/AU as you need!!! I can't wait to read the art you create and please take as much time as you need!!!!! Have a beautiful week and take care of yourself<3<3<3


Or at least something similar ❤️❤️❤️


I’m not on Wattpad as much but I come back every day to check for new updates I’m so excited for the next one


I’m also so excited for you all to read it! It’s going to be a very emotionally/introspectually charged chapter and I get to write one of the my favorite characters to write! Thank you so much for your continual support, you truly have no idea how much every single one of your comments and messages makes my day and gives me more energy to write! I’m so excited to finish up this chapter and for you to get to read it❤️ Have a beautiful week and please take care of yourself ❤️❤️❤️


Love the new chapter❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I can’t wait for the next one it’s so good you’re doing really well hopefully you’re taking your breaks❤️❤️❤️❤️ Multi goddess really enjoying this book one of my favourites


I really love your fanfic everchanging it’s a great fanfic. One of my personal favourites, I especially love all the attention to detail and I just wondered when the next update is coming. I’m super excited to see what you do with the next chapter. Hopefully you’re not working yourself too hard. cause that book is 


Thank you so much love this book. Glad to hear that there is a new chapter coming. Can’t wait to read it. I’m sure it will be amazing❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Huge fan


Watt pad deleted all of my heart emojis smh… I’ll put them here because you deserve all the love for you support ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I’m so grateful for you support I truly work so hard on my fics, I want them to be the best that I can provide, and it always makes me so happy to hear that my hard work has paid off! I am currently still working on the next chapter but I have been rather busy with other things so it’s been a little stalled, sadly. But I do promise to post the update as soon as I am finished with it Thank you so much for you support and kind message, I’ll work hard to continue to create a fic that you can enjoy♥️ Please have a good week and be kind to yourself, I truly care for you. 