
Any other F1 fans here that are losing their minds over everything going on? I know I am ☺️☺️ Wtf is going on


Hi guys! I know it's been a while. I'm sorry about how sporadic my publishing is currently. I'm losing a lot of motivation and interest in writing. I'm trying my best to publish, but it seems hard right now. I'm also stressed with school, like, all the time. I'm trying to stay active on here, but I know I haven't been. I check my notifications every day so when I see I have comments on my books or on my wall I try to respond as quickly as possible. Anyway, hopefully I'll see you all soon! Happy reading my madmen!


If anyone's a fan of Supernatural, let me know who you'd like to see a fic about. It will most likely be a Y/n fic, so give me a couple characters and I'll put them through a wheel. Keep in mind, I'm hardly finishing s6, so I don't know too many characters, and the ones who are antagonists so far, I haven't seen their character development yet. If you, however, are not a fan of Supernatural, go watch it!


Hi guys! I know it's been a while! I ended up being busier for longer than expected, and when I finally had some free time I was doing other things. I don't have much motivation so please be patient as I sporadically write when I have enough motivation! I know I say I lose motivation a lot, and it probably seems like some bad, overused excuse, but it's not, I promise. Anyway, happy reading, my madmen!


Anyone have any Character X Reader requests? We're nearing the end of My Vanir so I'll need something to write when it's done. I take Marvel, Harry Potter (golden trio, Hogwarts Legacy, canon & headcanon), Supernatural (seasons 1 to 4), Outer Banks, and Stranger Things. Reply to request or DM me. Lmk if you have a trope idea for it as well


@Emily_Alba394 It can be anything! Male X Male, Female X Female, or Male X Female. I'd prefer Male X Female because of the KOSA Act, which you can read about on the post below this, but if you'd like it to be an LGBTQIA+ book, I can do that too


@Multifandoms_madness I think I might have the final 3, but I have a quick question first XD ❤️
            Could it be a female reader X a female character? Or does it have to be female reader X male character? ❤️


@Emily_Alba394 Sounds great! And no rush! It's still going to be a while before it gets published. I'm trying to work in one book at a time. I'll tag you when the first chapter is out 


To anyone reading my story 'Apocalypse', I'm going to take it, or have taken it down, down for two reasons, the second reason being the most important. First of all, I haven't had much motivation to write on either of my books, this one being updated even less frequently than 'My Vanir', so it's easier for me to unpublish it for a while. And secondly, in about a month, something called the KOSA Act is being presented in court. I don't have much information on it, and won't go into too much detail about it, but basically it's about children's online safety with LGBT-related things, mainly affecting fanfiction websites like Ao3. To ensure that nothing happens to my account due to this if the law gets passed, I'm going to unpublish 'Apocalypse.' If the Act is not passed I will publish it again for everyone to read. If I have any information incorrect, or if I need to add something, let me know and I will make another conversations wall post correcting my mistakes. I've just now heard about this and have not done any research yet, but I will do my best to share truthful information about it.


@htjdjdbfb Yes! I'd probably set it closer to the second game, but it would still be Tess and Joel's child, the love interest would obviously still be Ellie. It just wouldn't start so early on the timeline, so it will probably be post-Tess's death. But I would make sure to add a lot to make sure Tess is still a big role in the book. Probably things like flashbacks, the characters talking a lot about her, and stuff like that


@Multifandoms_madness I have one more question sorry to bother if you were to re-write it would it be the same as in like reader is still joel and tess child ? i quite liked it when it was! 


For my The Last of Us fans, I just realized something. It may not have been something that the writers thought about, but in the Prologue, Sarah says she sells hardcore drvgs. What do Joel and Tess smuggle and sell??? DRVGS! BOUT TO START BALLIN MY EYES OUT


I am open to requests still! I've been waiting for something new to write for a while.
          Fandoms I'll write:
          Stranger Things
          Harry Potter (Golden Trio & Hogwarts Legacy only)
          The Last of Us (both games)
          Detroit: Become Human
          Outer Banks
          Supernatural (Season 1 & 2)


Must be Character X Reader btw