@KimSeungminJYP YES IT IS.. INFACT THE 28° I SAID, IS THE TEMP AT NIGHT (sometimes hotter) and mostly during day it's 35°
Idk how much it exceeds in afternoon
IT RAINS EVERYDAY!?? OMGGGG I KNEW SK HAD TOO DIFFERENT RAINFALLS THAN INDIA.. BUT ENGLAND TOO? Do you like carry umbrellas everyday everywhere? (Just curious!)
It's burning hot everyday in India and especially during summer. Even the houses (I live in chawls) turn into ovens!! The roof literally turns into pan, n I'm serious when I say that. It never snows here (atleast not in my State) and even during Rainy & Winter, the heat is terrible in the afternoon. BUTTTTTTT NOT ALL OVER INDIA, Northern Regions are snowy, Southern are hotter and India is too vast & has vivid temperatures and climate everywhere. Atleast in my City/State, it never snows, no earthquakes ever!