
There are so many great writers on here and I’m having so much fun reading all these amazing stories. I can’t understand why people feel the need to attack the writers and their stories personally??? Reading these stories helped me escape a bad time in my life and I am truly thankful to all the writers who kept my mind busy during that stressful time. I continue to read these adventures as I am now addicted. Thanks once again. xoxo 


There are so many great writers on here and I’m having so much fun reading all these amazing stories. I can’t understand why people feel the need to attack the writers and their stories personally??? Reading these stories helped me escape a bad time in my life and I am truly thankful to all the writers who kept my mind busy during that stressful time. I continue to read these adventures as I am now addicted. Thanks once again. xoxo 


Hi thank you for voting on Intoxicated with you


@vcampbell425 thank you I really appreciate that. Glad you liked it ❤❤


It’s such a great story, with a little bit of everything!! 