Hi! I'm Munchkin Munch and I love reading and writing. This Is a QnA!
Ice Cream: Cookies & Cream
Color: Red
Style: TomBoyish
Pet Peeve: When People Write their story in a full paragraph.
Fav Game: Roblox
Roblox Game: BloxBurg (iiSunset_Laylaii) |follow me|
Fav Emoji: 🙄
School: Smart
First Book: The Nerd and Her Boys (I deleted it cause I hate those books!)
Hobby: Dancing
Age: Student
College Options: Harvard, UCLA
Career: Lawyer, Dancing
Book Style: Humor, TeenFiction
Hatred Book Styles: Horror
Least Read Books: LGBTQ (I do support tho)
Race: Mixed
Sex: Female🚺
Zodiac: Libra
Birthday: September 30
- In Yo Momma Truck!!😶
- RegistriertFebruary 21, 2021
- website: Munchkin337419@gmail.com
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