
What are your ships? My ships are a threesome (me, you, Nutella.) and my OTP is Troyler, my ships are shoey and jaspar, and then my ships who are openly together consist of zalfie janya and yannowhut go read my bio


@Kaimleamer  oh I absolutely adore hangrid... though it may be because ive got a giant crush on hannah... hehehe yep that's probably it! 


@Kaimleamer But I dunno about Hannah and Ingrid I see where you're going with that but I just don't.. Meh. I don't know


@Kaimleamer I mean okay so jaspar is beautiful and Joe could be gay, but Caspars so.. I don't know. I mean he's vain, and he flirts with boys, but you know what oh well jaspar is amazing and even if it is Brotp they still slay. Omg I'm not a girl I'm a gay man. I need to watch Dan and Phil, I'm procrastinating