Hi guys, just tuning in to give you all an update. I know my hiatus has gone on for a hell of a lot longer than probably any of us estimated, and it's gonna be longer still. I'm working on a few one shots that should maybe probably be uploaded soon, but who knows? As for Into the Wild, it is officially on hold. The reason being I plan on doing NaNoWriMo, writing 50,000 words in the month of November, using Into the Wild. I do have another book in the works and chances are that one is going to start before Into the Wild. Also, I am going to be rewriting An Open Doorway! I've improved quite a bit since last year and there's a lot I'd like to fix and add to An Open Doorway before I start really working on the sequel.
I'm really sorry I haven't been uploading things for so long, but I promise, the wait is going to be worth it. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding.