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HEY YALL! Haven't heard from me ina while huh :D STORY TIME FOR MY RETURN \( ̄︶ ̄*\)) So! TODAY! 1/17/23... My phone was in the boys toilet :D Lemme explain :) So I'm going to my math class right? Just transitioning from LA and my teacher we'll call her Mrs. Pat :D Has this rule, where you turn in your phone for a calculator. And SHE doesn't keep them, no no. We put them in this thing hanging from the wall. Very organized :D And after my work i go to collect my phone. It's not there... I return the calculator and ask our SUBSETUTE! If she has seen it. She said no, check your backpack :) so I do. Not there. My friend, a GIRL comes back from the toilet and she calls my phone after I explain the situation. It doesn't ring, NOT in the classroom whatsoever. So after the class I go to the office to check if they have seen it. THEY HAVEN'T WHile I go back, LET ME REMIND YOU! Some boys where saying 'There's a phone in the bathroom XD" and I thought NOTHING OF it. Because I am a ✨lady✨ As I walk to my class there's my teacher. :D Walking down the hall with a phone wrapped in a paper towel... Coming out of the boys restroom. It's my phone- ALL THE WAY MY PHONE. Now a few minutes ago I went to the office to call my mom and TELL HER WHAT HAPPENED. A staff member talked to her when she got mad :/ and I went to the vice principal for questioning ☺ There check footage and he's like 'Did you... crack your phone before?' And of course I said yes. Bc I have, BUT ONLY and I REPEAT ONLY On the sides. He shows me my phone. THERES A HUGE ASS CRACK AND DENT AND FUCKING DITCH IN THE MIDDLE OF MY PHONE. SO NOT ONLY DID SOME RANDOM RAT TURD STEAL MY PHONE. BUT HE ALSO DROPPED THAT SHIT IN A FRICKING TOILET AFTER PUTTING MORE DAMAGE TO THAT SHIT THEN MY FATHER CRASHING HIS CAR INTO A 20 FOOT DITCH IN THE CEMENT ROAD. And my friends asked... "Kennedy, you getting your phone back?" HELL NO THAT SHIT IS THE TOILET'S NOW! IMA GET EVERY DISEASE IN EXSISTACE FROM TOUCHING IT