
I'm obsessed with arranged marriage stories....
          	I always love logical stories.. Whatever it's dark or romance.. Comedy or drama...
          	After I do is too good... It's really soothing and beautiful. Both female and male lead character is perfect and good. These long chapters and detailed explanation content my heart. 


Hey there thank you for requesting about Taehyung's Fanfriction, and I'll start updating that book, from Sunday, 21 July,
          " His forbidden Moonlight" 
          So I hope you'll check it out! 


@muniashahren it's alright, but I hope you'll enjoy my work, and thank you for your request!! 


@Butter_fly_06 ok dear..thank you so much.
            Actually I'm from Bangladesh and here our internet connection was removed... So I couldn’t check it.  Now I'm here..and I will read it InshaAllah.


Hhii dear would you like to read out my story of tae


@MuniaShahren okay I understand but my tae ff in English language too but don't worry I know you read only dark ff in English so sorry for disturbance 


@TaeUnn30 your stories are written in hindi language..  I'm from Bangladesh...  I'm not able to read hindi..I read dark ff in English language.  Hope you understand my problem. 


Hello MuniaShahren, I am Rose, an author of "Tales of Betrayal". After so much scrolling I finally found out you were the one who requested mw to write a story where Y/n gets a happy ending. Unfortunately I lost that one conversation where you described the plot.. I will be grateful if you share your thoughts with me one more time, since I am already working on writing the next story here. Thank you. 


@Rosebookz_ Thank you so much for describing. I will be posting tomorrow. So stay tuned. 


@Rosebookz_ I asked for a dark arranged marriage concept... What if a mature and kind hearted girl has to marry a heartless possessive, aggressive jerk type husband who only cares for his own selfish reason.. His own physical satisfaction? How will a mature girl with self respect cope up with her jerk husband, how will she manage her married life with him? Who didn't care about his wife's feelings? What if she gave birth to his child and raised them? Won't Taehyung ever understand his wife's feelings and respect her, love her? Will She able to love that man? 


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@Serena_Whisper humm.. I see.. You are a writer.. But... What kind of story you write... May be you writes smut very well... But I like dark stories... Can you plz write a dark arranged marriage story of Taehyung ? I don't like sluty type female lead. 
            If you write then I can follow you. 