Over a month ago a 16 yr old firl was ran over and sliced up with a sword by her ex-boyfriend, the
next town over. She had really bad injuries and wasn't expected to make it. Today, she got released for the holidays to be with family. She has made an amazing recovery.
The ex has had 3 bail hearings, and in each hearing, he's been denied bail.
I worked with him. The way he spoke about women/girls was absolutely disgusting. His poor mother had been trying her best to get him back on track, and his dad was just letting him do whatever. Nobody in his family wants him out. That says alot when nobody wants to be responsible for him if he's released, He violated probation and house arrest when he did this to the girl.
I hope he rots.
Every time he has a bail hearing, the public has
gathered at the courthouse in protest, fearing he
will be released. I've never seen such a support for a stranger than this, especially in this community.
Keep the girl in your prayers for a full recovery, it'll be years of physical therapy and more years of therapy for ptsd.