
I've gotten a few curious questions about whether or not I'll be continuing, "The Depths of Hell," and the answer is... complicated. Technically, yes. Or at least, I want to. I have the entire novel plotted out and have a rough outline finished. Real-life stress however has drawn my attention elsewhere, so it may be some time before I'm able to work on it again in earnest.  As a result, I am planning to finish writing the novel in its entirety, so that when I do begin updating again there won't be any more long waits between chapters. 
          	Thank you for your patience! <3


@Musebunny I would wait years for it, and will if you need that time. You have already given us the first two and that in itself is a huge accomplishment. Good job <3


@Musebunny I cant wait I just wanted to let u know I've reread the series so many times and it is still one one my favorite merlin fanfictions. also i love your other books. 


@Musebunny can't wait for the release, really loved Snape's involvement in your story as well, perfect characterization. your series is going to be on my shelf for a long time coming, I'll be keeping a particularly keen eye out for notification.


Leaving it here in the hopes that you see it. I have binge read your first book and i am too emotional  involved to bear the news, the tragic news, that the third book is incomplete. Hopefully, you would finish it because I am fascinated by the story. That is not a reason enough to finish, i know, but i would love to give my time to your story, should you complete it.


Hi Muse Bunny, do you have any advice on writing or how to get the word out about my stories? I love writing but this is really my first time sharing my stories and now that I think my writing is actually good I’m kind of lost on what to do next.
          Any advice is good, thank you in advance.❤️


Hey! I was wondering when you were going to finish the depth of hell? I really love your books so amazing!! Merlin is one of my favorite tv shows I’m actually rewatching it right now!! And of course a huge Harry Potter fan haha  just finished rewatching the movies and rereading the books!! Would love to see an update soon!!


@abl2017 Ah! Thank you so much! Alas, I don't have a timeline for when I will update again. I have started, slowly, working on the project when I have time. I have an original manuscript I need to complete first.


I’ve read all your books, and, let me just say- they’re amazing! Your writing is so descriptive and you’re extremely talented. I can’t wait for your 3rd book, i’m so excited to see Remus and Merlin interactions!!! 


Hey I was just wondering if your planning on updating your 3rd book soon ?? I’ve really loved reading the first two books and can’t wait for the next one !! 


Oh my gosh that's a huge cheer from me, I was so scared you'd discontinued it 


@OlaZjawiona Oh thank you, though I'm afraid it'll still be a while yet before I update again. I am working on finishing the story in its entirety so that updates are more regular when I start up again.


Hey! I love your books so much! I love how everything just makes so much sense and all the characters actually act the way we'd expect them to. Also the plot is really well planned and the conclusions to them are so satisfying. As its been a while, I just wanted to know how far you've gotten in writing The Depths Of Hell? Maybe even an indefinite time as to when you may be updating again? No pressure ofc, I was just curious. Again, love your books!


@Tehi2021 yes honestly I agree with that so much! It's the best fanfic I've ever read. You know how you fantasise about the next book in your favourite series? I do that with this. I am honestly so addicted I've read it so many times haha because there is nothing on this level anywhere else. I feel like whenever you update I might have a heart attack lol. But yes honestly you have a gift and if your non fiction book based on this is anything close to how good this is it will be amazing! I'd definitely buy it haha:) 


@Tehi2021 Thank you so much, I didn't swipe this message for two days just so it would greet me when I looked at my phone. Alas, I don't have a real timeframe for you yet. I am working on a "non-fanfiction" version of the story, and intend to come back to this fic after I've finished my first draft. My ambitious deadline for that is February. Then, while that manuscript rests, I get to focus my attention back to The Depths of Hell in earnest. I already have a full detailed outline and my favorite scenes sketched out. Not exactly an answer to your question, but I don't know yet when I'll be updating again. 


          I just found your fanfic the day before yesterday (i Think) and i finished it so fast! I love the crossover so much! I love how you made merlin a slytherin and we can see what would've happened if Harry actually would've talked to Draco or slytherin in general. 
          Tbh i never watched HP completly since i always miss a scene or 5 but I did notice how the author just made slytherin "the bad guys" and it was kinda sad since they had so much potential!
          I love how Draco reminds us so much of Arthur! And how merlin still doesnt knock on doors XD
          I only read Book 1 yet tho. Today I will start with the second one. 
          Btw I love Silas! Hes so cute! 
          So what I wanted to say is, thank you for writing this amazing fanfiction your writing style is everything. 
          Have a great day!^^