We have decided to change users, and won't be using this one anymore, our new shared profile is @2lifewriters (yes i know it's a terrible username, we're gonna have to fix that). honey's ney user is @-honeybadger- And yes, I'm writing this in english, just because i feel like it. So on our shared profile, we decided to change it because this profile became mostly centred around warrior cats, which none of us are that big fans of anymore. Also, rereading our books, we were were childish and annoying, even though it's only two years since me made it, and we still are. anyway, we will be trying to write an original book together there, maybe open a new cover shop, and i have a warrior cats book I have been working on for a long time now. My personal profile, will probably be mostly hp, I'm trying to write a fic, and maybe I'll even dare to write a wolfstar fic sometime. Oh and it will also be english. Also, i don't really think anyone noticed, but I've gone through our books and profile, and changed my name into "Honey", because i sorta don't want people to know my real name. I know it's the cringyest(not a word) name in the world, but it was the only one that came to mind. I would appreciate it if you people that know my name would try and forget it. Thank you! Hope you enjoy my long post here, and maybe would like to follow our new accounts! -Honey
@Potato190505 Oh, yeah, you’ve just been talking to Honey. Sorry for the confusion (-:
hello! so i never knew this was a two-person account, since the bio is not in english. have i been talking to two people then? or just honey? i’m very confused xD