
          	I wanted to let you all know I'm not dead 
          	I did take a little break from writing, because of mental health, a lot of stress, work problems and a renovation.
          	In about 2 months I quite my job and go fulltime freelance, which also means: More time for writing!
          	For the two on going stories I've already been working on a new chapter, but it's hard to get back into the game. Plus for "How Opposites meet" There is a big think coming up story wise and I still hadn't figured everything out yet. Plus I've already noticed a few story flaws myself  So if you notice anything, I'm sorry about that, but especially with such a big story it's very hard to keep track of everything, I'm doing my best, but I'm definitely not a professional writer 
          	I of course still love all your support and I hope i didn't loose you all because of the break I took
          	You will hear from me soon again! ❤️
          	I've you're interested, you can also follow me on Instagram for my art @TheHedgehogManiac. At the moment I'm a lot into Hazbin Hotel 


          I wanted to let you all know I'm not dead 
          I did take a little break from writing, because of mental health, a lot of stress, work problems and a renovation.
          In about 2 months I quite my job and go fulltime freelance, which also means: More time for writing!
          For the two on going stories I've already been working on a new chapter, but it's hard to get back into the game. Plus for "How Opposites meet" There is a big think coming up story wise and I still hadn't figured everything out yet. Plus I've already noticed a few story flaws myself  So if you notice anything, I'm sorry about that, but especially with such a big story it's very hard to keep track of everything, I'm doing my best, but I'm definitely not a professional writer 
          I of course still love all your support and I hope i didn't loose you all because of the break I took
          You will hear from me soon again! ❤️
          I've you're interested, you can also follow me on Instagram for my art @TheHedgehogManiac. At the moment I'm a lot into Hazbin Hotel 


Hey dude one question I got some inspiration from ur book:the sliver star can I make one like it but different? With credits to u obviously


@Blackhajjabi Nice my writing inspired you. 
            Well you can write what ever of course, but try to give it your own twist ;)
            If you could name in de credits or share the link to my story, that would be nice ^^


          I can't believe it, I'm almost at chapter 200, who would have thought I would come this far? 
          I hope you all are enjoying my story, I love to work on it and see your comments and all. It surely motivates me to continue. 
          thank you all for your support❤️


Do you have references of the Tux and Dress Espio and silver were wearing in 'how opposites meet'?


@CyrusDrawsH4zb1n14 Well at least Espio I drew myself before in the tux, you can find that drawing here:
            For Silver dress it could be something like this but darker, less poofy and with straps:


Damnit -.- I just found out I had done something wrong with the numbering of my chapters why the real chapter 144 never got posted -.-
          I'm going to fix it right now, so it will probably be fixe din 15 minutes. So for everyone who already read the full story, chapter 144 you haven't read before ;)