Dear Readers,
Hey guys. Long time, no post! I have to say, I've missed writing and posting lately, but I seem to always be so busy!
But anyways, here's some information you might want to know!
1.) I went to go see "Perks of Being a Wildflower" last night, and I have to say that it opened my eyes to a lot of things and really touched me as a person. It also gave me an idea for a new novel to work on. After doing some free writing last night, I ended up deciding to tie in many situations going on in my real life at school, and home. So that should be up at some point in January!
2.) I have some weird family stuff going on that I am not allowed to talk about (you'll find out in time, but right now its very top secret). Because of the family stuff, I might be a little busy...
3.) I have a Tumblr, and a Twitter (Facebook & Twitter are for personal usage only, so I won't give those accounts out). My Tumblr is:
Now, I want to tell you guys about my arts school, because I just feel that I need to share something personal today...
The kids are really nice, and crazy (50 shades of cray cray!) <- **Insider**
Academic classes are slow and dull :/ But arts are amazing! I really love my department, and am so happy there! All my teachers are really nice in both my academic and arts classes. For example, I was sick last week with Laryngitis and couldn't talk for 3 1/2 days. My math teacher made me tea and gave me a white board (with markers and an eraser) to talk ^.^ I mean, that was really nice of her!
I am a little worried about a lot of my friends because they don't seem to be in the best mental state right now (the down side to the art community=mental issues, like depression, anxiety, eating disorders, etc). But I'll get further into that in my new novel!
I hope you guys have a great holiday season, no matter what you celebrate and believe. I hope you guys enjoy the Winter Break in a couple weeks with your loved ones! <3