
Wow, I've been on this website for like.. two freaking years.  I stopped because a lot of things have been happening within my family and just personal things, but I actually might start writing again and if people ask then i'll def start.  PLease advise me ? :x


Wow, I've been on this website for like.. two freaking years.  I stopped because a lot of things have been happening within my family and just personal things, but I actually might start writing again and if people ask then i'll def start.  PLease advise me ? :x


Hiya I was just wondering if you can make me a book cover for my book The Girl Next Door, its still being written, but I don't have the ability to make a 'good' book cover... so ya Thanks
          Xx Alyssa


I've been currently working on it!  I'll get it to you by the end of the week(: . Do you want me to PM it to you or by kik or by email?


            As you can see, I've kind of stopped at writing for a bit.  But I still read a whole bunch of fanfics!  If you want me to read yours, please PM(Personal Message) me, or post it on my wall !  I'll get to as many as I can (: 